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The following is a compilation of works, a mixture of projects, blog posts and essays, where I observed how writers communicate outside of their art, whether they are speaking to other writers, or to their audience. The artifacts below were completed for a class, Interdisciplinary Composition, in which I observed all forms of writing in my discipline of Creative Writing.
As I conducted research for several of these projects, I found that writers play a large role in conversations about art, what art should do, and how individuals should approach all forms of art outside of each author's works. Audience and the discourse community within which the writer exists appears to hold influence over the writer; it is in this manner that art is shaped as the artist either responds or dictates based on the discourse surrounding their community. 
To read more about each piece, hover over each image. Follow the link beneath the reflection to see the project itself.

This project is a collection of six different artifacts of various genres. Each artifact revolves around the topic of censorship, observing how writer's view censorship and what motivates an audience to act as censors. The research I conducted in this project revealed the various ways that writers interact with other writers and their audience outside of their art, and how an audience interacts and can contribute to a work's reception. Thus, I discovered that the various communities surrounding literature, as artists and as audiences, play a vital role in influencing a writer's piece before and after the writing process.


For this project I interviewed writer, Lindsey Drager, and M.F.A. student, Emma Stough. These interviews were revealing in understanding how writers think of their art and their role as writers. These interviews helped me understand how a writer's identity directly interacts with their discourse community as well as inform my knowledge on how audience and community may often influence and shape a writer's sense of self.


In this blog post, I discuss remix within literature. I particularly focus on Murakami's novel, Norwegian Wood. I draw parallels between Murakami's novel and the Beatles' song with the same name, focusing on plot and tone. Murakami's background in music paired with his production of this novel shows how interwoven the general art community is. This analysis displays how the writer's role as an audience to other works is in their own work.



In this blog post I respond to a prompt identifying design elements by providing an example of mediums within the discipline of Creative Writing that is multimodal. I focus on multimodality in book covers, specifically drawing on Chip Kidd's work. Chip Kidd's designs which are also influenced by the book itself, serves as an example in how an audience might experience art and then, as an artist, can create their own unique art from that experience.

Chip kidd Blog post

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